Ok, I've been a delinquent (sp?) blogger, but I have a good excuse. Our desktop computer bit the dust...complete with HUNDREDS of pictures of the girls. In fact, every picture we've ever taken of the girls. Aaron took it to the Geek Squad guys at Best Buy to see if they could do anything with it, but it was a no go. So now we're on to plan B...giving it to a wife of a friend who does data retrieval for a living. Sounds like $$$$$ to me, but losing all those pictures is just something we can't stand to bear. So, now we're down to just the laptop, which actually makes this blogging thing easier since I can do it in front of the TV!!! There just might be more frequent posts...we'll see!
There have been a lot of things happening since I blogged last - Grammy and Poppy came to visit, Easter came and went and spring has sprung. We'll start with Grammy and Poppy's visit, which included a new big girl bed for Maya!

The crib had to go (into the garage sale next month). Thank you to Sam's Club for a reasonably priced matress and boxspring, and to Maggie's closet for the gently used bedspread. I still need to find a headboard and night stand, but haven't done anything about it yet.

Poppy read Maya her first book in her new bed. She thought she was the queen bee!

All ready for nighty-night!

Not to be out done...Maggie has been doing a really great job of reading. She gets a sticker every night after she reads and earns a dollar after 10 stickers. She's now moved from some emergent readers I found online, to easy readers like Frog and Toad. She needs help on some of the larger words, but is really doing fabulously for only being 5.

On one of the not-so-nice days we took a trip to the Mall of America and let the girls go on the rides. This one, Swiper's Sweeper (from Dora the Explorer) was their favorite. I've been on it before too and it's actually pretty fun!

Poppy got Hot Air Balloon duty.

Daddy rode the carousel.
This is the girls' new favorite...bumper cars. Maya was JUST tall enough - by the hair of her chinny chin chin - and had absolutely the best time! They went several times and Maya even went by herself one of the times.
This is all I can muster right now. More - while the computer died - pictures are on the way. : )