Maya Brynn Kelly is 5 years old!
I know its hard to believe, but its true! Since her real birthday was on a Monday, we celebrated on the weekend. First up...presents!!!!
The BEST PRESENT EVER!!! A new balance beam from Grandma and Grandpa and mom and dad!
Next best, a new workout outfit from Auntie Callie. She LOVES it!
Next best, a new workout outfit from Auntie Callie. She LOVES it!
Is there any doubt she likes it?? : )
No birthday would be complete without one of mommy's famous princess cakes.
With her birthday being on a Monday and since we were unable to celebrate that evening due to me working and Maggie being at gymnastics, we picked up Lily and headed out to the Mall of America to ride the rides! You used to get in free on your all of you who are thinking this as I was...not true anymore. Bummer.
They had the Diego bus all to themselves!
Giddy up horsey!
Their favorite..the swings!
Ready to ride the frog hopper (or whatever its called!)