Better late than never right? Actually I've been looking for a picture of the girls in their costumes, but can't find one. They were in their costumes and out the door so quick we couldn't get the camera out in time I guess. Maybe next year.

We did get our pumpkins carved however. They both made up their own faces, but I did most of the carving. Both were very proud of their creations. Maya did not want her picture taken though.

Bella all dressed up in her pumpkin costume, ready to bark at all who dare come to the door trick-or-treating.

Some jar lanterns the girls and I made. We put tea lights in them and lit them up for the trick-or treators. I think they turned out rather good, don't you?


Finally dark and the jack-o-lanters were a glowin!

Maya guarding the candy bowl from Bella as the last of the trick-or-treaters came by.
The girls had a great time trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. Maggie, Kyra and Meghan took off running. Maya went out with Lily and Megan Z. and myself. They did quite well themselves. We made the neighborhood rounds before they peetered out and sat down to chow down.
Aaron was in charge of handing out candy this year. He was a total scrooge and therefore we are left with a huge hoard of candy. Maggie has already been caught sneeking it more than once. : ) Another successful Halloween down the tubes. Already looking forward to next year!