Thursday, June 25, 2009


Maggie just finished her first round of Parks and Rec T-Ball. It was Pee Wee I, and was just the basics of to throw a ball, catch, what are the names of the bases, basic hitting off the tee, etc. Aaron thought it was a waste of time, but I actually thought it was ok. She had never run the bases (cones) before or been part of a team like that. She had fun anyway.

Here they are huddling up before practice.

Gettin' her glove ready.

Waiting to hit.

Team picture.

Warm up circle.

Uh, is this warming up???

Water break. (It was like 90 degrees on this day with very high humidity. They poor kids were all just beat red in the face. There's no shade out on the field and they were dying!!!)

A little batting instruction.

A big thumbs up after reaching 1st base.

Fielding... : )

Ready position.

High fives at the end of the team cheer..."Go Green Goblins!"

The lovely batting helmet.

Maggie's turn to bat and run to 1st base!

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