Can you believe my little girl is already 2? She's still a baby to me, even though she's become quite heavy and I think has thrown my back out from recently wanting to be held all the time. : ) She is growning up though...she can ride her tricycle, goes on the potty several times a day, drinks out of a big girl cup with out (usually) spilling, and does handstands (BIG bouncy) and forward rolls across the living room like she's been doing them for years. Where has my baby gone? Then again, the other day she stripped down naked in her bed and peed-and layed in it, pulled out handfuls of her sisters hair, poked and prodded and hit the dog until she got bit, and licked the street. Hmmm...just when you think they're growing up!
Anyway, we invited the neighbors over for a little party, complete with a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday, and cupcakes.
This is a bowling set she got from the Zehetners...of course the mat that tells you where to set the pins is...on her head!
Gordy and Lori sent her a Water Baby! The thing is HEAVY when filled up, but she loves it. Aaron came up with the name Pumpernickel...Maggie came up with Roxy. We'll see which wins out in the end!
This is her present from mommy and daddy. Leap Frog fridge letters. She just loves to push the button that sings the ABC's.
Here she is eating her birthday cupcake.
All the party goer's chowin' down!
Daddy lighting the candels and starting to sing Happy Birthday!
She picked the pink cupcake to be hers-with the candles!
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