Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Maya!

My little baby girl turned 3 on November 7. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Now she's getting ready to go to preschool, Sunday school, is taking gymnastics classes and generally being a really big girl! (not to mention learning to zip her sweatshirts and wiping her own butt!) She is such a beautiful, smart, fun, silly, loving girl. I love her to death and (most days) wouldn't trade her for the world! Happy Birthday little girl!

On her actual birthday we were in Florida, packing up and heading home on the plane, but the night before, she got to open the gifts Grammy had picked out while we were there. She got a jewelry box with a twirling Tinker Bell which she had been eyeing ever since we got there, a sparkly princess wallet, accessories for her vanity (which her daddy and I got her for her birthday) and a set of plastic Disney characters to play with. When we got home she requested a pink cake, so I got right on that and we had a little family party where she got to open her vanity and we sang Happy Birthday to her. She's still receiving cards in the mail and we have birthday money to still spend so her birthday lives on.

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