Sunday, August 8, 2010

Storm watching

This is what's going on as we speak...or as I type I guess you'd have to say. Mags and I were out on the deck watching a thunderstorm roll in just to the north of us. It was very nice out and we were talking about lightening and clouds and all kinds of interesting stuff.

We were watching lightening far away and listening to distant rumbles of thunder.

Then suddenly the clouds started to look like this.

I'm telling was SO COOL!

Slightly scary because it was coming our way...but still SO COOL!

If the world does some day come to an end...this is what I'm sure it will look like.

Awesome. the way...we're all blew over with nothing but some wind. : )

1 comment:

Becky said...

that is so awesome! sounds like you guys had so much fun watching it and you got some great pics! I love it when the sky puts on a show! :)