For her gift, we took her to PetSmart to pick out a new toy and get a treat. Aaron thought she really would "pick out" a new toy, so he unloaded the toy aisle onto the floor so she could choose. Needless to say, she didn't give a rats behind about a single one of them, so the girls picked out a cute little duck for her. We bought this toy knowing full well it probably wouldn't last the night, as her favorite thing to do is to rip out the seams and pull out all the stuffing and get to the squeaker and bite through it too. It was mission accomplished around 6:00 tonight. : )

Maya was inisitent on having a birthday party for her. We thought about inviting over the neighbor dogs, but Bella hates them and we didn't think we should torture her on her birthday, so we settled for giving her a couple of leftover tortellini's from dinner complete with a candle. We sang her Happy Birthday and she wolfed down the tortellini's without chewing. Typical.
What would we do without her though? She drives us bonkers, but she is our baby. I tell Aaron that if I didn't have my Bella baby, I might just have to have another real baby. He says she can stay. Happy Birthday Bella babe!