Lake Elmo Elementary kindergarten classes had their annual Spring Sing concert last Thursday. 3 of the K classes took the stage in the morning, and the other two went in the afternoon. The songs were all either patriotic or had to do with spring. The kids were very cute. Maggie's class is the one with the flower hats and she's on the far right.

After the concert, all the kids and families went out into the courtyard for cookies and lemonade, then hit the playground!

The girls of course headed straight for the bars and Maya was not to be left out.

Climbing the giant "spider web".

Again, Maya was not to be left out.

Here's a quick snippet of the concert. The boy behind Mags is Arsh - the class clown as you will see.
The girls both LOVE doing the monkey bars which makes perfect sense, seeing as they are both part monkey. : )
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