Monday, September 5, 2011


This year in our little garden, I was out voted and it turned into a flower garden instead of a vegie garden. We planted wild flowers and sunflowers...giant sunflowers. We grew these from seeds and the package wasn't joking...these babies are HUGE!

This was like 2 weeks ago. They're almost as tall as the first floor of the house and at the bottom, the stems are 2+ inches in diameter.

The blossoms got so big that they bent over and actually broke the stem, so I cut them off. I tried scissors, but it took one of the kitchen knives to cut those suckers off.

As you can see, they are bigger than our heads!

Maggie's Statue of Liberty pose. : )

These sunflowers were cool, but I think next year we'll be back to zucchini and cucumbers.

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