Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween and more

Halloween was yesterday and it was quite an event. Belle and Elmo went trick-or-treating with daddy around the neighborhood. Apparently daddy and Elmo only made it to a few houses because Belle, along with Bat Girl and Bat Girl (neighbors Kyra and Raya), were sprinting from house to house and Elmo just couldn't keep up the pace. All the neighborhood kids were so cute, as usual and we had a little party at our house after trick-or-treating. There was enough sugar to kill a boatload of people and kids were all totally wired, but they played and ate candy and had a dandy ol' time. Me and a few of the other "Cove" moms dressed up in 80s garb, but forgot to get a picture (darn!).
Belle and Elmo all set for trick-or-treating!

Digging for something Elmo?

Mags and her loot.

Aaron's new form of punishment...standing in the corner. She doesn't move!!!!! ; 0

Bestest little buddies, Lily and Maya.

Grandma sent a little Halloween package with some treats that we got the day before Halloween. Maya devoured the marshmallow ghost. I think she got my sweet tooth!!! Oh, and I think she ate at least 6 suckers on Halloween day, not to mention all the other stuff!

This was the favorite activity the other day. Brian pulling the girls around on an old blanket. He was working up a sweat, but they absolutely had a blast! I have a video and I'm trying to get it on here, but it's not letting me upload it for some reason. I'll work on's pretty cute!

Mamma and sickie the other day. Who can pass up a snuggle like that?

Miss Resourceful. She's discovered that the stool is quite a useful tool and can get her all kinds of good stuff!

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