Saturday, November 1, 2008

Seattle trip-Part 5

Here's a bunch from Snoqualamie Falls, great grandma and grandpa's, and when CJ and Gabe came to visit.

Seriously, I can't figure out this picture business on this blog site. Sometimes they load in the order you request them, sometimes not...I'll have to ask Tamara to help me again... : )

CJ, Gabriel, Mags and Maya at Grandma's house.

All the kids attacking Grandpa...he just wanted some peace and quiet!

Maya with great Grandma

Gifts from great Grandma and Grandpa...magnets!

My two babies and great Grandma and the beach.

Here we are at the beach. It was a beautiful day!

We found lots of crab shells and seashells. Mags and I collected this "crab family".

At a restaurant in Snoqualamie for lunch...this BIG bear was taking up a whole booth for himself. Maggie joined him for lunch.

The falls were beautiful.

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