Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bye-bye grandma and grandpa

We had a great time having grandma and grandpa visit. They got here last Thursday, the 9th around midnight and left this afternoon. We did a lot of hanging out and grandpa helped us with a couple of big projects. He finished a dresser for the guest room downstairs and put lattice up around the deck. I'll have to get some pictures of the almost finished landscaping. More rocks are coming this weekend I think!

One of the nice days, we went out to Stillwater and to a cute little playground there called Teddybear Park. The kids love it because there are tons of play structures, big and small, and a bunch of sand and rocks to climb on...oh and of course, a giant teddybear to sit on! Then we walked down to the river and had a picnic dinner and watched the boats. Grandpa took the girls down to feel the water and of course they both ended up wet. But they had a marvelous time.

Another day it was warm enough to go swimming in the neighborhood pool. Maggie thought she was hot stuff and got a little too far out and a neighbor had to jump in to save her!! (Oops! No parent of the year award for me!) Then she learned her lesson and stayed closer to the stairs.
Daddy was in San Francisco for almost all of the visit. But when he got back Monday night, he gave the girls their long awaited presents. Princess dresses!
Grandma's 60th birthday is on Saturday, the 14th, so we had a little early birthday party, complete with a cake with sprinkles! Maggie arranged the candles beautifully, as you can see, and helped grandma blow them out.
Maggie really wanted grandma to have a princess cake, but she settled for eating the cake on princess plates! Yummy! I think both of them got their fingers in the frosting before the cake was cut.
All in all we had a great time. We wish we could see everyone more.

Mags started Vacation Bible School this week also. The theme this year is "Jesus is the Bread of Life". Today she came home with a freshly baked loaf of bread. It was good! Last day tomorrow. She gets to bring home a bible and her T-shirt that she's been wearing. Her class is light blue! She also got a CD of songs that go along with the theme of the week. Unfortunately there are only I think 6 songs, so we've had to listen to them about 100 times already. : )

Oh, another update...Mags is good to go on her bike, starting and stopping like a champ all by herself. Yay!

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