Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Maggie!

Our little girl is now the big 5! I can't believe how fast those 5 years went. She is quite the grown up girl!

Since we were in Seattle for her birthday, we had our little family present opening party a few days early before we left for the trip.

Hmmmm....I wonder what it could be?

A new necklace and a whole bunch of rings!

A new book of Disney animal stories!

A super cool fairy jewelry box, complete with the little turning fairy that plays music when you open it.

What could be in this last box?

Yes!!!!! A new 2-wheen scooter!!!!!!

When we were in Seattle, we met up with my best friend Kristin, and her two boys, CJ and Gabriel. CJ's birthday is 2 days after Maggie's, so naturally we headed to Red Robin for lunch where they could be embarrassed by the Red Robin birthday song and get a free birthday sundae!!!!

Mmmmm....whipped cream!

Needless to say, neither one of them left ANYTHING in the bowl!

Next was the party at Grammy and Poppy's house. Cousins Clara and Owen were there, along with all the great grandpa's and grandma's on the Kelly side. One of the favorite gifts...the bright orange bear-ghost from Great Gram P. and new earings from Grammy!

The next day it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the Field side birthday party. This one was complete with a Care Bear theme. Maya was cashed out, but still got a hat!

Being silly with Uncle Devin.

Grandma is a cake specialist, and made this Care Bear cake. (oops on the cross eyes!)

Make a wish!

Blow out the candles!

Thankfully I got out of doing the friend party this year...I think she had plenty of parties - don't you? She's one very lucky little girl. : )

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