My sister Callie, her husband Devin, and their 5 month old son Jacob just left after staying with us for a whole week. We hadn't seen Jakey since he was only a couple weeks old, so having them come out was awesome. The cousins got some major bonding time, and Maggie and Maya got right to work smothering their baby Jakey with loves and kisses.

Maya thought she was the queen bee when she was allowed to hold Jacob. Her holding skills weren't superb, but what can you expect from a 3 year old. Jacob didn't seem to mind.

Auntie Callie got suckered into playing Princess Yahtzee more than a few times. This has been her favorite game ever since Christmas.

Auntie Callie with all the cousins.

Maya doing her best to entertain Jacob. I thought she did a great job!

Maggie definitely loved having a baby in the house. (Ok, I did too), but it was nice to give him back at the end of the day. I'm still waiting for our neighbor Becky to have her new little one. I'd really like to be borrowing one on a regular basis!

Maggie's chillin' with Uncle Devin, Auntie Callie and Jakey.

Finally the time came for a cousin bath! The girls were super excited and I think Jacob had a pretty good time too.

Is he not the cutest?????

All clean and ready for bed.

Goodnight kisses.

Before they left today we did an impromptu photo session with Jacob in the cutest ever sweater vest that we forgot yesterday when we had an actual real photo session with the three of them. Look at that cute boy workin' the camera!

We had such a great time with them. I wished they lived closer so we could seem them more often. They hated the cold weather so I don't think they'll be moving here any time soon. Bummer.
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