This is our life in a nutshell.

Dress up.

Maggie made this sign the other day. Translation: "Maya Brynn's Giant Mess".

This was the mess.

On account of such "mess", the moonsand is now in the garbage and will never be making another appearance if I have anything to do with it.

Daniel was over and we made homemade crayons. You know, when you take the nubs in the crayon box and melt them in muffin tins to make "new" crayons. They were fascinated with the melting. (Yes, Maya is wearing a swimming suit in the middle of February. Why not?)

Fun in the snow. We've got a lot of it. We still have what came down in the first snow of the year back in November. Warmer days are predicted for this week so maybe a little will melt and the huge piles lining everyone's driveway will go down so I can back the car out and not worry about hitting anyone driving down the street.

Snow angel!

Hi mom!

Maya's been staying dry at nighttime and has been collecting stickers on her potty chart. She stayed dry 3 days in a row to earn a new princess dress!!! She picked out this one, but put it on and wasn't happy because her "boob" was showing. It now has safety pins in the shoulders. Actually she made it 8 days in a row I think. Now she's working on a whole week with no accidents and then she gets to go to open gym - the prize of all prizes!!!!! Good bye pull-ups!

Maya got up on Saturday morning and made her and daddy breakfast. This is what daddy's bowl looked like. I think there were some Mini Wheats in there somewhere! : )

Our little dare devil.
I've been trying to upload another video, but haven't had success. I don't know what the deal is, but the girls have invented a new game. It's called Run, Jump, Straddle. It involves, running, jumping on couch cushions, and straddle handstands. You get the picture. I'll try to get another video. : )
1 comment:
i've heard from multiple sources that moon sand has been banned from many houses due to messes just like your pictures show! i'd never before seen photos though...and i can promise that i will NEVER have moonsand in our house either. NEVER. EVER.
on another note, we should really try to do a playdate's been nearly a year! :)
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